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Issue 5: Summer 2021

Regular price £8.00

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The fifth issue of Senet magazine. Featuring: 

  • An exclusive interview with Isaac Childres, creator of Frosthaven and Gloomhaven.
  • A delve into the zombie genre on the tabletop. 
  • A spotlight on the gorgeous watercolour work of Catherine Hamilton, lead artist for the Evolution game series. 
  • A brief history of the rondel, with its creator Mac Gerdts and other designers including Vladimir Suchy and Benjamin Schwer. 
  • Previews of upcoming titles like Caper: Europe, Stroganov and So, You've Been Eaten.
  • Reviews of the latest releases, including Oath, Imperium, The Red Cathedral and Veilwraith.
  • Shelf of Shame, with Our Family Plays Games. 
  • Gloom of Kilforth designer Tristan Hall's latest column.
  • Writer Sara Elsam on a quest to find the perfect board-gaming playlist. 
  • An all-new, exclusive brain-teasing puzzle by designer Ira Fay.

    The magazine comprises 64 full-colour, 164mm x 240mm pages, printed on 110gsm uncoated paper, with a 250gsm uncoated cover featuring a special colour.

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    During these difficult times, we’re afraid our promise of UK delivery within seven days may not be always possible to keep. We’ll always do our utmost to make delivery as prompt as possible, but please accept our apologies if it takes a little longer.