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Issue 1: Spring 2020

Regular price £8.00

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The very first issue of Senet magazine. Featuring: 
  • Exclusive in-depth interview with Wingspan designer Elizabeth Hargrave
  • Exploration of the Viking theme in board games, by Owen Duffy.
  • Artist Ian O'Toole on how he visually realised his latest game On Mars.
  • Writer Matt Thrower delving in to the history of worker-placement games.
  • Previews of some of the most exciting upcoming games, including Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile, Oceans and Oathsworn: Into the Deepwoods
  • Senet's 10 favourite games of the last year.  
  • Gaming Rules' Paul Grogan revealing what's on his Shelf of Shame. 
  • Column by Gloom of Kilforth designer Tristan Hall.
  • Writer Alexandra Sonechkina on why cooperative games make us better people. 
  • Exclusive brain-teasing puzzle by designer Ira Fay.

The magazine comprises 64 full-colour, 164mm x 240mm pages, printed on 110gsm uncoated paper, with a 250gsm uncoated cover featuring a special colour. It arrives wrapped in a recyclable paper wrap.

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During these difficult times, we’re afraid our promise of UK delivery within seven days may not be always possible to keep. We’ll always do our utmost to make delivery as prompt as possible, but please accept our apologies if it takes a little longer.